Second Semester, AY 2024-2025
The following outlines the procedures for UPLB employees seeking a Reduced Fee (RF), Tuition Fee Exemption (TFE), or benefits under the Local Government Code (LGC) of 1991 for the Second Semester, AY 2024-2025.
Kindly be advised of the following details:
- Reduced Fee (RF) applies to full-time personnel — permanent or temporary, regular incumbents or substitutes, casual, or contractual personnel, including project personnel, regardless of the source of funds for their salaries as long as the funds either belong to the regular budget of the University or are institutional grants to the University whose appointments issued by the University are at least coextensive with the semester or term and with at least one year of continuous service.
- Tuition Fee Exemption (TFE) are exclusively for non-earning children or spouse of UP employees.
- Local Government Code of 1991 (LGC) pertains for educational benefit granted for barangay officials and their legitimate dependent children and Sangguniang Kabataan officials.
- UPLB employees who are currently enrolled in academic programs offered by UPLB and wish to avail of RF shall submit their applications via the new SPAS online platform at SPAS shall be accessible from 16 January 2025 until 05 February 2025 for this purpose.
All applications must have been submitted to the UPLB Human Resources and Development Office (HRDO) on or before 05 February 2025.
For A.2, B and C items, use the revised application form uploaded in the OUR website.
A.1. For UPLB Employees Enrolled in Academic Programs Offered by UPLB and availing of Privilege to Study at Reduced Fees (RF)
1. Access the Link
Access the Student Privileges Application System (SPAS) via SPAS can only be accessed within the UPLB network, specifically on devices connected via UPLB Wi-Fi or the Local Area Network provided by the DIC. Applicants must also have a valid UP Mail account.
2. Create your SPAS Account
If you are a first-time user, you need to create an account. Click on “Click here to register” and follow the prompts to complete the registration process, providing accurate information. Note that account details that you enter during the registration process such as your full name will be used in the process for applying for study privileges. Thus you must ensure that the account details you provide are complete and correct.
3. Complete the Application Form
Once logged in, click on to Reduced Fee Form located at the left hand panel of the system. Fill out all required fields thoroughly and accurately. Double-check for any error before submitting the form.
4. Obtain Required Signatures
Print a copy of your completed form by clicking on Print Button located at the upper right portion of the page, obtain recommendation from the required signatories (Immediate Supervisor/Head of Unit/Dean) by having them affixed their wet or electronic signatures on the form. Ensure that you have all necessary approvals and required attachments available before proceeding to the next step.
5. Upload Signed Form
Scan the signed application form and any necessary attachments, such as a contract of service or other relevant documents, and save to PDF format. Upload the scanned copy to the SPAS and ensure it is submitted to the Human Resources Development Office (HRDO).
6. Application Processing
After uploading a scan of the accomplished application form, your application will be automatically forwarded by the system to the relevant administrative offices in the following order: HRDO → Graduate School (GS) → Office of the University Registrar (OUR) → Vice Chancellor (VC). Each office will review and take the necessary action regarding your application.
7. Check your SPAS Account
For updates on your application status, it is highly recommended that you check your SPAS account periodically, as it will provide the most current information regarding actions of the relevant administrative offices or additional remarks / comments. Once your application has been finalized, you will receive a notification via your UP Mail, and you shall be tagged accordingly in your Academic Management Information System (AMIS) account.
8. Remarks / Comments
A remarks/comment icon at the upper-right portion of the page indicates the total number of remarks/comments posted by offices.
Viewing Remarks / Comments:
- Click the remarks/comment icon at the upper-right corner of the page. You will be presented with a summary of remarks/comments posted.
- Select the document with the remark(s) you wish to view. You will be redirected to the Request Detail page.
- Click the Remarks /Comments button on the reduced fee details tab of the Request Detail page.
- A dialogue box will appear, displaying remarks/comments addressed to the logged-in user. These remarks/comments may include instructions from an administrative office to the applicant to submit additional documents.
9. Uploading of other documents
If given instructions to upload additional documents, applicants may use the file attachment section to comply. Click the view attachment button, type in the document title and attach the necessary document in PDF format. Once uploaded, notify the requesting office of your action via the remarks section. You need not send a separate email to the requesting office to inform them that you have submitted the requested documents.
A.2. For UPLB Employees Enrolled in Other Institutions and availing of the Privilege to Study at Reduced Fees (RF)
- Download the RF Application Form
Access this link to download the Reduced Fee application form.
- Complete the Application Form
Fill out the application form with all necessary information. Be sure to review your entries for accuracy and completeness.
- Obtain Required Signatures
Print a copy of your completed form, obtain recommendation from the required signatories (Immediate Supervisor/Head of Unit/Dean). Ensure that you have all necessary approvals and required attachments available before proceeding.
- Submit the Application
Scan the signed application form along with any required attachments. Upload the scanned copy via Google Forms provided by the HRDO using this link.
- Application Processing
Following your submission, the HRDO will route your application through the necessary administrative offices in the following sequence (HRDO → GS → OUR → VC) for appropriate review and approval.
- Check Your UP Mail Account for Updates
Once your application is approved, your AMIS account will be tagged accordingly. Monitor the email thread of your submission for updates or further instructions related to your application.
B. Tuition Fee Exemption
Download the TFE Application Form
Access using this link to download the Tuition Fee Exemption application form.
- Complete the Form
Fill out the application form with all necessary information. Be sure to review your entries for accuracy and completeness.
- Submit the Application
Scan the signed application form along with any required attachments. Upload the scanned copy via Google Forms provided by the HRDO using this link.
- Application Processing
Following your submission, the HRDO will route your application through the necessary administrative offices in the following sequence (HRDO → OCS/GS → OUR) for appropriate review and approval.
- Check Your UP Mail Account for Updates
Once your application is approved, your AMIS account will be tagged accordingly. Monitor the email thread of your submission for updates or further instructions related to your application.
Local Government Code of 1991 (LGC)
- Download the LGC Application Form
Access using this link to download the Local Government Code of 1991 application form.
- Complete the Form
Fill out the application form with all necessary information. Be sure to review your entries for accuracy and completeness.
- Submit the Application
Submit the accomplished form with complete attachments by sending scans of the form/attachments to the email address [email protected]
- Check Your UP Mail Account for Updates
Once your application is approved, your AMIS account will be tagged accordingly. Monitor the email thread of your submission for updates or further instructions related to your application.